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Schedule of Event

Friday - May 12th

Registration Opens at 12 Noon

* Sign in at our registration table, grab your swag and settle in for a wonderful weekend!


Afternoon Sit n' Stitch in our Event Space 12-4pm

* Relax in our event space, pull up a club chair and visit with friends or make new ones!


Reception Event 5-6pm

* Purchase a Drink and join us for a light dinner while you mingle with other participants and of course meet our teachers!


Evening Sit n' Stitch 6-10pm

* Our event space is open all evening to continue stitching and visiting.  Remember to get a good nights sleep before our classes start tomorrow, or visit into Midnight!


Mini Market (Garage Sale) 7-9pm

* Participants and teachers will have tables with lots of goodies up for sale.

(Garage Table are available to rent $10, on your registration form)

Saturday - May 13th

Retreat Space Opens 7am

* If you are an early bird, bring your stitching and get in a couple of hours before classes start!


Meal Plan Breakfast - 7:00-8:30am

* Meal Plan members can drop in for a hot breakfast with coffee or tea.


Vendors Open 8am - 5pm (Open to the Public to shop)

* Our Vendor Area is setup next to our retreat space and open for anyone to shop without disturbing your stitching time, although you may not be able to resist the 'call of the thread!'


Classes 9am-4:30pm

* Choose from 4 different 2 day classes.  Some classes will be taught in our sun filled Alcove areas to allow for a more casual learning experience.


Coffee break both AM & PM


Meal Plan Lunch - 12:00-1:00pm

* Meal Plan members can drop in for lunch in our dining area next to the retreat space and classroom.  You are welcome to eat your own lunch in this area, but remember all on campus food locations are closed on the weekend.


Banquet Cocktails start at 5:30pm

* Purchase a drink and relax after your first day of classes, compare notes with other students and admire the progress our retreat stitchers have made on their own projects!


Dinner starts at 6pm

* Everyone is sitting down to a family style dinner together where you can share your love of all things embroidery with the others at your table!


Banquet Event starts after dinner and continues into the evening!

* more information to follow

Sunday - May 14th

Retreat Space Opens 7am

* Our space is open early again this morning for the early birds, but no worries you are welcome to sleep in and join us for the classes starting at 9am


Meal Plan Breakfast - 7:00-8:30am

* Meal Plan members can drop in for a hot breakfast with coffee or tea.


Vendors Open 8am - 5pm (Open to the Public to shop)

* Our Vendor Area next to our retreat space and is open for anyone to shop without disturbing your stitching time, although you do need to get through another day of admiring all the 'potential new projects'!

* Vendor closing times are individual and be sure to ask when your last chance to browse will be!


Classes 9am-4:30pm


Coffee break AM & PM


Meal Plan Lunch - 12:00-1:00pm

* Meal Plan members can drop in for lunch in our dining area next to the retreat space and classroom.  You are welcome to eat your own lunch in this area, but remember all on campus food locations are closed on the weekend.


Sunday Afternoon

*Our event space closes at 6pm but we will be starting to organize after the classes end at 4:30pm.  You are welcome to stay and stitch up until the end, but remember you will need to check out of your accommodations in the morning.


Retreat Space Closes at 6pm

Fibre Potpourri 2023 - Red Deer Polytechic Collage

May 12-14th, 2023

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